
Axe Vale Canoe Club

Contact us at: info@axevalecc.co.uk

Affiliated to the Paddle UK & Quality Mark Accredited


New: (24 Apr)
Safeguard Policy V4

Member’s Information

Guest Paddlers

We welcome experienced paddlers, past members and Social members to paddle with us as guests, either on club sessions or weekend trips.

Come along for a paddle to meet us, renew your skills or just have some fun.

You should be BC 2*/Explore equivalent desirably. Give us a call if you need more info (see Contacts page).

Membership Applications


2023 Fees & Forms are now available.
Membership Form and Fees

Benefits of Membership

Club Summer Sessions

Wednesday nights from mid- April to early September are club nights for member with Club Standard or above.

Tuesday and Friday evenings are for members to progress from Discover to Explore award levels.

Summer Sessions

Summer and Winter Trips

 During the summer, various Sunday trips are organised to South West estuary and sea paddles (e.g. Dart, Exe, Port Quinn, etc.) and surfing trips to Saunton Sands.

 During the winter months of October to March the club organises white water river paddles on the rivers Axe, Dart, Barle and others.

Trips and Kit List

BC Quality Mark

 The committee is pleased to announce that we have been accredited to the  British Canoeing Quality Mark:


Hazard and Risk Poster


Code of Conduct


Future Plans

1. Recladding the club house externally. Just painting left to do.

Ideas to the committee please.

AVCC group for members to share information and photos. Anything you add to the site must be appropriate for all ages of members please.
 To join the Facebook group you need to be invited by someone who can verify you are a club member
 (e.g. Tash, Donna or Colin).

AVCC Policies

Constitution (2021)

Code of Conduct v5

Safeguarding Policy v4

Safety Policy v3

Equality Policy

Incident Report Form

Data Privacy Policy