
Axe Vale Canoe Club

Contact us at: info@axevalecc.co.uk

Affiliated to the Paddle UK & Quality Mark Accredited


New: (2 Feb)
WINTER Trip List v3

Member’s Trips

Winter Trips 2024-25

Winter trips typically meet at the clubhouse at 08:30 and arrive back at the clubhouse about 17:00, so you need to bring with you sufficient food/ drink/ clothing for the day.

Hopefully we will start with some easy white water rivers to get everyone back in the swing, plus some sea paddles if it is fine.


WInter Trip List & Info



Winter Kit List:

For the winter trips, warm, dry and spare clothing is essential:

  1. Base layer: thermals – top and bottom.
  2. Over layer: man made fibre over garments e.g. rash vest, track suit, fleece.
  3. Good quality cag & trousers – Club ones are marginal in winter, so if you feel the cold and want an extra two or three hours comfort in winter, it is a good idea to have your own. A dry-cag and dry-trousers cost about half as much as a full dry-suit and can be more flexibly worn in the autumn/spring.
  4. Thermal socks and gloves – extremities will get cold!!!
  5. Spare clothing and kit in a dry bag: top and bottom, gloves and wool hat, some money (£5), survival bag, emergency food – chocolate/ energy bar/ biscuits, water
  6. First aid kit – the group leader will have one, but you will need to get in the habit of carrying your own.
    Lunch/drink (hot if you prefer) plus a water bottle. 

Summer Trips 2024

Summer trips will be planned at least every fortnight. Due to weather/sea conditions the actual plan will tend to be publicised about 1 week in advance with contact details. The summer paddling trips cover sea and estuary trips for various grades of paddlers in Devon, Somerset and Dorset.

Some half-day paddles on Saturday mornings will also be run for those that cannot afford a whole day at the weekends.

Other surfing and ad-hoc trips Sundays will be publicised on the Home page &/or Facebook. Please ensure you contact the organiser of each trip if you wish to attend.

As usual, the trips are weather dependent so you will need to check the arrangements with the organiser listed

Trip List & Info



Summer Kit List:

  1. Please get yourself a Dry-Bag to carry things and a basic first aid kit.
  2. Lunch, Water, Drinks (you will need at least 1 litre of water) and emergency snack.
  3. Sun cream, sun glasses (& tie), hat/helmet (to protect from sun).
  4. Wind/water proof layers (you can still get cold if its windy).
  5. Wet clothing (swimshorts, wetsuits, rash vest, etc.), towel if swimming
  6. Wet shoes, PFD
  7. Dry clothing to change into at end of trip.
  8. Some money for lunch, drinks or snacks is also helpful.

For all trips, some money to cover your share of the transport/parking costs is useful. You can bring your own kayak & equipment or borrow club boats. Most trips meet at the Club House, to reduce the number of cars being taken, but sharing lifts directly from home can also be arranged when Seaton is not en-route.

Club Trips or
Casual Trips

 Please be careful to distinguish official AVCC Club events/trips from more casual trips:

AVCC Events/Trips conform to our risk assessments and would be led by a qualified coach/leader. Club trips are organised and communicated through the coaches/leaders.

Casual trips organised between members are not club trips and everyone is responsible for their own safety on these trips. You must be capable and confident on the type of water and conditions.
