
Axe Vale Canoe Club

Contact us at: info@axevalecc.co.uk

Affiliated to the Paddle UK & Quality Mark Accredited


New: (7 Jul)
Added Surfline

Trip Planning,
Water Levels and Webcams

Where to find Information for Trips?

Trips need careful planning using local information (some links are provided in the panel to the right), including;
River conditions, routes and access arrangements, weather forecast, tidal conditions, surf/swell conditions.

Trip Plan Templates

Trip Plan Template:
MS Word            PDF

Trip Plan Template (Hourly):
MS Word           PDF

Risk Assessment for Trips

Water Levels

Environment Agency Water Level Guages
for rivers all over the  country. Click through to the map interface to the  rivers and see current, normal and peak water  levels.


Rough Guide to Local Rivers

Axe - Whitford Bridge (0.4 to 1.0m are OK).      Raymonds Hill Rain Gauge

Dart - Austins Bridge                                         Dunnabridge
         (0.5 low, >1.0m high, 1.3m ok on M&L)    ~0.65m level with slab at Newbridge
         ~0.9m level with the slab at Newbridge.   (AB ~0.2m higher & 2hrs later than DB)

Barle - Bushford                                                Simonsbath
           Dulverton (0.5m low, >0.75m high)       (Bf ~0.5m higher & 2.5hrs later than Sb)
           Tarr Steps (>0.75m to 1.1m)

Exe   - Stoodleigh                                              Tiverton
           below Exbridge (1.25m lo, 2m high)          (best 0.7/0.8m for Bolham start)
           Thorverton Gauge nearer Exeter.

Tavy  - Tavistock (>1.0m), Denham (>0.5m) and Walkham @ Horrabridge (0.45-0.6m)

Teign - Cliffords Bridge (>0.9m to be worthwhile)

Axe Entrance webcam

Dart Loop Webcam

Exebridge (Barle)

River Tavy

 Axe - Axminster

 Dart-Below Buckfastleigh

Exe - Thorverton

  Lots  of other WebCams

Trip Planning Sites

UK Rivers Guide - Access information and descriptions for the UK's river routes.

UK Met Office - weather.

Metcheck - a met forecast
with rainfall quantities.

River Level Predictor - river level predictions from rain forecasts.
(Dart is Dunnabridge level)
(Barle is Bushford level)

Is The Dart Running - river Dart level (Dunnabridge) predictions from rain.

Dartcom Weather Station - current and past weather charts for Dartmoor.

Met Office Inshore Forecasts

Easy Tide (UKHO) -  up to 7 days tidal predictions around the UK coast.

Surf & Swell (Surfline) - sea and swell forecasts for the UK

Cardiff International White Water (CIWW)
see Park & Play and Courses.

Tryweryn  - National White Water Centre